Dear Customer,
Firstly we welcome you to our completely redesigned site of Pajuk.
We have worked hard to provide you with a fast, easy and simple to use electronic product catalog. On our site You will find the most current state of affairs. Every day updated with the latest models and latest stock situation.
Through the stock indicators you are able to see whether the item is aivalable;immediately-, only small quantity available, or In production and not immediately available, by the clear page layout you can see if there are more sizes available, and you can search by various criteria such as purchasing-, advised selling price, model number or product group, so you can get quickly your desired selection on the screen.
Also, you can now see your previous orders, resend the order confirmation, or order the same order by 1-click again.
To find your favorite models quickly, we have created a favorites folder where these models are grouped and you can order them quick and easy.
Hopefully, reason enough to regularly visit our site.
We hope you enjoy our new site!
The Pajuk Team
PS If you lost you customer number and / or password you can find it on your last Invoice!